Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lawyer: Afghan suspect Was angry about comrade of damage-voice of America

John Henry Browne, the attorney representing the U.S. soldier who is accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians, talks to reporters, March 15, 2012, in Seattle. John Henry Browne, the attorney representing the American soldier who is accused of killing 16 Afghan citizens, speak with reporters, 15 March 2012, in Seattle.

The civilian lawyer for the U.S. soldier accused of carrying out a deadly shooting rampage in Afghanistan says that his client was probably suffering from stress after the serious injury of one of his fellow soldiers witness.

Attorney John Henry Browne says that the 38-year-old staff sergeant saw one of his comrades blown his leg on a day before the massacre of 16 Afghan citizens in Kandahar province.

Browne says that his client was also unhappy with his assignment to a fourth tour of duty in a war zone.? The soldier had served three rounds in Iraq where he suffered a head injury and lost part of his foot.? The lawyer says that the soldier was told he would not be deployed to Afghanistan, but that changed "literally overnight."

The soldier who has not yet been mentioned or pay, flew out of Afghanistan to Kuwait late Wednesday.? Us Lieutenant-General Curtis Scaparotti, the Deputy Commander of u.s. forces in Afghanistan, said that the suspect was moved to the "proper pre-trial detention and access to legal services."

US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta visited Afghanistan this week and the killing, allegedly carried out by the American soldier, was the focus of the talks with Afghan officials.

Afghan President Hamid Karzai calls on NATO troops to withdraw from the Afghan villages and move their bases in the aftermath of the incident.

Karzai told Panetta also that everything should be done to prevent incidents such as the shooting spree in the future.? US Secretary of Defense said he promised the Afghan president that the shooter would be tried.

U.s. military officials on Friday said that a top U.S. Commander in Afghanistan was in the path of an attack which coincided with the arrival in Afghanistan Panetta. She had initially downplayed the incident.

Earlier officials said an Afghan stole a vehicle and drove it on a slope of the runway.? Officials said the driver for a group of American soldiers on the runway for the Panetta arrival was focused, but crashed into a ditch before the emergence of the vehicle in flames.

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